All blood types needed! Please check here to find a blood drive.


LifeSouth, SGMC: Emergency need for blood

VALDOSTA – South Georgia Medical Center urges the community to give blood at LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, the sole blood provider to the patients of SGMC.

In a statement released this week, LifeSouth reports that a decrease in blood donations during the summer months has caused the blood supply to drop to emergency levels.

“To ensure the patients in our community have a stable blood supply, donors are needed now,” LifeSouth representatives said. “As a special thank you to those who give, all donors will receive a $20 e-gift card and a special recognition item. Donors who donate platelets, plasma or a double red cell donation receive an additional $20 e-gift card. All donors also receive a mini-physical, including blood pressure, temperature, iron level and cholesterol screen.”

Donors must be at least 17 or 16 with parental permission, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and be in good health. A photo ID is needed. LifeSouth’s donor center is located at 301 Woodrow Wilson Drive, near the hospital.

LifeSouth’s bloodmobile will be at many locations in the coming days. For additional information about donation or to find a blood drive, call LifeSouth toll-free at 888-795-2707. Appointments can also be made online.

Read full article on the Valdosta Daily Times website.

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