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LifeSouth in Critical Need of Rare Blood Donors to Help Patient

A patient at a hospital served by LifeSouth Community Blood Centers is in critical need of specially matched blood donors. The patient is suffering from sickle cell disease with acute sickle cell crisis.

The patient needs ongoing blood transfusions from specially matched donors, which are very rare. African American blood donors are more likely to be a match for the patient.

“We have a sickle cell patient in crisis with a very rare red blood cell profile. A national search for blood has been so far unsuccessful,” said Dr. Chris Lough, LifeSouth’s Vice President of Medical Services. “Our best chance of finding compatible products is from African American donors. We are testing 100% of African American donors for compatibility for help fill this critical patient need.”

Sickle cell disease is a genetic disorder that affects the body’s red blood cells, causing blood cells to be sickle shaped. The sickle shaped blood cells have difficulty passing through blood vessels which can lead to fatigue, breathlessness, unbearable pain, swelling of joints, hands and feet, and severe complications including stroke.

LifeSouth asks the community to donate blood, to help find a match for the patient in need.

Click here to find a LifeSouth bloodmobile or donor center near you.

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